Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Hello !
Today is second day at practice weeks. I go from Dormitory to Campus at 07.15. So, Before oneline at 08.00 I was arrive at kitchen. before practice, as usual we are oneline. today, because thr weather is not good because rain we are oneline in front of pastry. then we save our goods into locker, then back for oneline in the pastry.
when we one line in pastry, for the first we absent. then examination of grooming.

When lecture came he explain materials about method Sous Vide. When he ask that Sous Vide is method of cooking use water bath and that temperature should not below of 88 celcius and use bag plastic and zig plastic. and function as create that textures and beautiful colour. and have maintained nutritioanl content. but we can't practice this method related the tools which be use is limited.

After we eaten our Puff pastry we continue with pay attention cook of egg use Sous Vide methode. egg divided into 3 container. where first container is hard boiled egg. the second container is soft boiled egg and the third container is poaching egg.
then, we were shere a egg one by one. after eat we are oneline for division section for General Cleaning.
So. this is my activity today ! may be usefull. Aamiin.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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